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A member registered Dec 28, 2019

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Hey at least we'll get to watch the sunrise in like 10 minutes!

Well then, sorry kitty for interrupting your nap but mommy needs her chair.

iirc, the devs said he's intj so I'm expecting him to be cold, calculating, irritable and utter garbage at expressing feelings.

source: am intj

It's almost 1 am, I'm on my 4th cup of tea and I'm not leaving until I finally meet Vexx.

I hope the devs see our impatient asses and smile

sad european timezone noises

Can't wait to get shouted on by the captain!! and finally flirt with Vexx!! :D

Thank you for working hard in these crazy times. Hope the whole team's safe and sound! <3

Damn how did I find this gem only now?? Sci-fi? cyberpunk?? FIREFLY VIBES?? ❤❤❤
 Art, writing and worldbuilding look topnotch. I especially love that dialogue options pop up frequently, some vn’s have way too little which can make you feel disconnected from the mc, no such problems here! also big kudos to the background artist, those little scribbles Bash leaves around the ship never fail to make me smile. like, the ‘welcome to a6’ in mc’s dlc room? Adorable. And speaking of, SUCH a likeable cast; I want to befriend them ALL.
Li wise so far I really liked June and Damon buuut then the end of ch2 happened and weLP. looks like Vexx will have my whole heart. 
Srsly solid work. Can't wait for future chapters! ❤